20:15 - 22:00
Tele 5

Age of Ice

Katastrophenfilm • USA 2014 • 105 Minuten
  • Tipp


    Die amerikanische Familie Jones macht Urlaub in Ägypten, als eine Verschiebung der tektonischen Platten massive Erdbeben auslöst. Statt brennend heißer Sonne beherrschen jetzt Schneestürme die Sahara. Eine Eiszeit bahnt sich an, vor allem die Nächte werden lebensbedrohlich. Ein Evakuierungszentrum scheint die einzige Hoffnung für alle Überlebenden zu sein. Die Familie macht sich auf den Weg.


    • Regie:
      Emile Edwin Smith
    • Drehbuch:
      Emile Edwin Smith
    • Musik:
      Isaac Sprintis
    • Schnitt:
      Rob Pallatina
    • Barton Bund
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
      Jack Jones
    • Jules Hartley
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
      Diane Jones
    • Bailey Spry
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
      Amber Jones
    • Owais Ahmed
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Joe Cipriano
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
      Dylan Jones
    • John Gragen
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Yaron Urbas
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
      Captain Kawar
    • Wasim No'mani
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
      Captain Mubarak
    • Revon Yousif
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
      Lieutenant Majali
    • Emile Edwin Smith
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Wilfried Capet
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Allie Haze
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
      Sanitäterin Haze
    • Tommy Pistol
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
      Sanitäter Pistol
    • Ali Habhab
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Michael Tremblay
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Matthew Siman
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Oz Noori
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Neena Kalasho
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Jill Hagara
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Nardeep Khurmi
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Sue Dankha
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Ali Amine
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
    • Jason Wightman
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello
      Sanitäter S. Crumb
    • Luca Bello
      Barton Bund, Jules Hartley, Bailey Spry, Owais Ahmed, Joe Cipriano, John Gragen, Yaron Urbas, Wasim No'mani, Revon Yousif, Emile Edwin Smith, Wilfried Capet, Allie Haze, Tommy Pistol, Ali Habhab, Michael Tremblay, Matthew Siman, Oz Noori, Neena Kalasho, Jill Hagara, Nardeep Khurmi, Sue Dankha, Ali Amine, Jason Wightman, Luca Bello


    Age of Ice
    Freitag 08:01-10:01


      22:00 / Tele 5

      Spartacus: Vengeance

      Einen Platz in der Welt
      65 Minuten • Staffel 2 • Folge 2
      zur Folgesendung