16:30 - 17:00
Nautical Channel

Boat Show

Wassersportmagazin • GB, I • 30 Minuten


      Boat Show 4K is a weekly magazine series revolving around the cutting-edge news and top events of the international boat shows and the amazing world of alternative sports. The show presents top images of high speed entertainment from action sports, appreciated by nautical lovers and boat owners all over the globe.

      Zum Serienprofil

      Weitere Folgen

      30. September17:30Nautical Channel Boat Show ( Staffel: 8 | Folge: 19 ) Magazin GB, I
      01. October05:30Nautical Channel Boat Show ( Staffel: 8 | Folge: 19 ) Magazin GB, I
      01. October13:30Nautical Channel Boat Show ( Staffel: 8 | Folge: 19 ) Magazin GB, I
      02. October10:30Nautical Channel Boat Show ( Staffel: 8 | Folge: 19 ) Magazin GB, I
      02. October16:30Nautical Channel Boat Show ( Staffel: 8 | Folge: 19 ) Magazin GB, I


      Boat Show
      Mittwoch 04:10-05:10


        17:00 / Nautical Channel

        H2O Racing: Aquabike

        GP of Italy (Runabout &Freestyle)
        30 Minuten
        zur Folgesendung