Robert Napper, in früher Kindheit selbst misshandelt und sexuell missbraucht, ermordete Frauen, Männer und mindestens ein Kind. Seine bestialischen Taten, verübt in Südost-London, versetzten Anfang der 90er-Jahre England in Angst und Schrecken. Der Killer entwickelte im Verlauf seines Lebens Wahnvorstellungen und litt oft unter paranoid-schizophrenen Anfällen, die seine abseitigen Fantasien immer weiter beflügelten.
Zum Serienprofil
Christopher Slade
Christopher Slade, Laurence Alison, Jeff Edwards, Conrad Ellam, Alan Jackaman, Robin McCarlie, Bill Peak, Katherine Ramsland, Louis B. Schlesinger, Ron Turnbull
Laurence Alison
Christopher Slade, Laurence Alison, Jeff Edwards, Conrad Ellam, Alan Jackaman, Robin McCarlie, Bill Peak, Katherine Ramsland, Louis B. Schlesinger, Ron Turnbull
Self - Forensic Psychologist, University of Liverpool
Jeff Edwards
Christopher Slade, Laurence Alison, Jeff Edwards, Conrad Ellam, Alan Jackaman, Robin McCarlie, Bill Peak, Katherine Ramsland, Louis B. Schlesinger, Ron Turnbull
Self - Former 'Daily Mirror' Crime Correspondent
Conrad Ellam
Christopher Slade, Laurence Alison, Jeff Edwards, Conrad Ellam, Alan Jackaman, Robin McCarlie, Bill Peak, Katherine Ramsland, Louis B. Schlesinger, Ron Turnbull
Self - Former Partner of Samantha Bisset
Alan Jackaman
Christopher Slade, Laurence Alison, Jeff Edwards, Conrad Ellam, Alan Jackaman, Robin McCarlie, Bill Peak, Katherine Ramsland, Louis B. Schlesinger, Ron Turnbull
Self - Former Detective Sergeant, Metropolitan Police
Robin McCarlie
Christopher Slade, Laurence Alison, Jeff Edwards, Conrad Ellam, Alan Jackaman, Robin McCarlie, Bill Peak, Katherine Ramsland, Louis B. Schlesinger, Ron Turnbull
Self - Former Work Colleague
Christopher Slade, Laurence Alison, Jeff Edwards, Conrad Ellam, Alan Jackaman, Robin McCarlie, Bill Peak, Katherine Ramsland, Louis B. Schlesinger, Ron Turnbull
Self - Former School Friend
Katherine Ramsland
Christopher Slade, Laurence Alison, Jeff Edwards, Conrad Ellam, Alan Jackaman, Robin McCarlie, Bill Peak, Katherine Ramsland, Louis B. Schlesinger, Ron Turnbull
Self - Forensic Psychologist
Louis B. Schlesinger
Christopher Slade, Laurence Alison, Jeff Edwards, Conrad Ellam, Alan Jackaman, Robin McCarlie, Bill Peak, Katherine Ramsland, Louis B. Schlesinger, Ron Turnbull
Self - Forensic Psychologist
Ron Turnbull
Christopher Slade, Laurence Alison, Jeff Edwards, Conrad Ellam, Alan Jackaman, Robin McCarlie, Bill Peak, Katherine Ramsland, Louis B. Schlesinger, Ron Turnbull
Self - Homicide Advisor
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Born To Kill - Als Mörder geboren?
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Born to Kill - Als Mörder geboren?
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Born to Kill - Als Mörder geboren?
Montag 05:03-05:03
05:45 / RTL Crime
Born To Kill - Als Mörder geboren?
Levi Bellfield
45 Minuten • Staffel 6 • Folge 6
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