22:00 - 22:30
Nautical Channel

Canoe Sprint World Cup

Kanu • • 30 Minuten


      Szeged in Hungary is the third biggest city in the country and the chosen scenery for the Sprints World Cup. Organisers of the ICF canoe sprint moved heaven and earth to prove an international event in the middle of a global pandemic was possible and safe for all participants. As a result, athletes took part in a splendid competition.

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      06. February22:00Nautical Channel Canoe Sprint World Cup Sport
      07. February22:30Nautical Channel Canoe Sprint World Cup Sport
      13. February22:00Nautical Channel Canoe Sprint World Cup Sport
      14. February22:30Nautical Channel Canoe Sprint World Cup Sport
      20. February22:00Nautical Channel Canoe Sprint World Cup Sport


      Canoe Sprint World Cup
      Donnerstag 10:02-10:02


        22:30 / Nautical Channel

        P1 USA Offshore

        St Pete
        30 Minuten • Folge 3
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