08:30 - 09:00
DW English

Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary

Politikerporträt • D 2025 • 30 Minuten


      The worst humanitarian and displacement crisis in the world right now is in Sudan. The World Food Programme says nearly 25 million people are facing acute food shortages - all driven by a war that has received little international attention.

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      10. March19:30DW English Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary Dokumentation D
      10. March00:30DW English Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary Dokumentation D
      10. March04:30DW English Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary Dokumentation D
      11. March10:15DW English Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary Dokumentation D
      11. March13:15DW English Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary Dokumentation D


      Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary
      Mittwoch 08:03-09:03


        09:00 / DW English

        DW News

        30 Minuten
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