11:30 - 12:00
DW English

Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary

Politikerporträt • D 2025 • 30 Minuten


      Ireland is facing a short-fall of hundreds of thousands of homes, especially in Dublin. As rents rise, so does homelessness. With no house or apartment, Jordyn, Jonathan and their young daughter Delilah have to find a new place to sleep every night.

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      12. March18:30DW English Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary Dokumentation D
      17. March19:30DW English Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary Dokumentation D
      17. March00:30DW English Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary Dokumentation D
      17. March04:30DW English Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary Dokumentation D
      18. March10:15DW English Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary Dokumentation D


      Close up: The Current Affairs Documentary
      Mittwoch 11:03-12:03


        12:00 / DW English

        DW News

        30 Minuten
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