21:50 - 22:40
Kabel 1 Doku

Das Unerklärliche mit William Shatner

Dokureihe • USA 2022 • 50 Minuten


    Zum Serienprofil


    • Schnitt:
      Lara Andre
    • Schnitt:
      Kevin Browne
    • Schnitt:
      Brian Kallies
    • Schnitt:
      Phillip Lefesi
    • Schnitt:
      Gary Reid
    • Schnitt:
      Eric Sievering
    • Schnitt:
      Conrad Stanley
    • Schnitt:
      Mike Stanley
    • Michio Kaku
      Michio Kaku, Nigel Raab, Lucas Hixson, Mitch Horowitz, Matthew Christopher, Lynne S. McNeill, Dominic Steavu, Edwin Barnhart, Martin Dougherty, Tony McMahon
      Self - Physicist, CUNY
    • Nigel Raab
      Michio Kaku, Nigel Raab, Lucas Hixson, Mitch Horowitz, Matthew Christopher, Lynne S. McNeill, Dominic Steavu, Edwin Barnhart, Martin Dougherty, Tony McMahon
      Self - Prof. of Russian History, Loyola Marymount University
    • Lucas Hixson
      Michio Kaku, Nigel Raab, Lucas Hixson, Mitch Horowitz, Matthew Christopher, Lynne S. McNeill, Dominic Steavu, Edwin Barnhart, Martin Dougherty, Tony McMahon
      Self - Pripyat Radiation Contamination Specialist
    • Mitch Horowitz
      Michio Kaku, Nigel Raab, Lucas Hixson, Mitch Horowitz, Matthew Christopher, Lynne S. McNeill, Dominic Steavu, Edwin Barnhart, Martin Dougherty, Tony McMahon
      Self - Author
    • Matthew Christopher
      Michio Kaku, Nigel Raab, Lucas Hixson, Mitch Horowitz, Matthew Christopher, Lynne S. McNeill, Dominic Steavu, Edwin Barnhart, Martin Dougherty, Tony McMahon
      Self - Author
    • Lynne S. McNeill
      Michio Kaku, Nigel Raab, Lucas Hixson, Mitch Horowitz, Matthew Christopher, Lynne S. McNeill, Dominic Steavu, Edwin Barnhart, Martin Dougherty, Tony McMahon
      Self - Assoc. Prof. of Folklore, Utah State University
    • Dominic Steavu
      Michio Kaku, Nigel Raab, Lucas Hixson, Mitch Horowitz, Matthew Christopher, Lynne S. McNeill, Dominic Steavu, Edwin Barnhart, Martin Dougherty, Tony McMahon
      Self - Assoc. Prof., UC Santa Barbara
    • Edwin Barnhart
      Michio Kaku, Nigel Raab, Lucas Hixson, Mitch Horowitz, Matthew Christopher, Lynne S. McNeill, Dominic Steavu, Edwin Barnhart, Martin Dougherty, Tony McMahon
      Self - Archaeologist
    • Martin Dougherty
      Michio Kaku, Nigel Raab, Lucas Hixson, Mitch Horowitz, Matthew Christopher, Lynne S. McNeill, Dominic Steavu, Edwin Barnhart, Martin Dougherty, Tony McMahon
      Self - Author, Hindu Myths
    • Tony McMahon
      Michio Kaku, Nigel Raab, Lucas Hixson, Mitch Horowitz, Matthew Christopher, Lynne S. McNeill, Dominic Steavu, Edwin Barnhart, Martin Dougherty, Tony McMahon
      Self - Author, Quest for the True Cross

    Weitere Folgen

    10. March15:40History Channel The UnXplained mit William Shatner Dokumentation USA
    10. March16:25History Channel The UnXplained mit William Shatner Dokumentation USA
    11. March05:45History Channel The UnXplained mit William Shatner Dokumentation USA
    11. March21:50Kabel 1 Doku Das Unerklärliche mit William Shatner (Staffel: 4 | Folge: 4) Dokumentation USA
    11. March22:40Kabel 1 Doku Das Unerklärliche mit William Shatner (Staffel: 4 | Folge: 8) Dokumentation USA


    Das Unerklärliche mit William Shatner
    Dienstag 09:03-10:03


    22:40 / Kabel 1 Doku

    Das Unerklärliche mit William Shatner

    Übermenschliche Fähigkeiten
    40 Minuten • Staffel 4 • Folge 8
    zur Folgesendung