10:55 - 12:20
Warner TV Film


Horrorfilm • GB 1958 • 85 Minuten


      Terence Fishers "Dracula" ist "ein Klassiker der britischen Horror-Film-Schule" (Süddeutsche Zeitung) und "wohl der beste Schocker der Hammer-Studios" (TV-Movies). Den transsylvanischen Vampir verkörpert auf ebenso furchterregende wie verführerische Weise Christopher Lee, der am 27. Mai seinen 80. Geburtstag feiert. Als Sohn eines britischen Offiziers und der italienischen Contessa Estelle Marie Carandini di Sarzano geboren, ist Christopher Frank Carandini Lee ein ausgebildeter Opernsänger und zählt mit Auftritten in über 250 Film- und Fernsehproduktionen zu den meistbeschäftigten Schauspielern überhaupt. Zu seinen wichtigsten Rollen zählen neben Dracula auch die Titelrolle im Hammer-Remake von "The Mummy" und der "Mann mit dem goldenen Colt", einer der gefährlichsten Gegenspieler von James Bond, dessen Schöpfer Ian Fleming ein Cousin von Lee war. Aktuell spielt der 195 Zentimeter große Mime in der "Lord of the Rings"-Trilogie den verräterischen Zauberer Saruman, und in "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" wird er demnächst als Darth Tyranus zu sehen sein. Gegen Dracula kämpft Peter Cushing als Dr. Van Helsing. Der hagere Engländer zählte wie Lee zu den Stützen der britischen Horrorfilmindustrie. Später wirkte auch er in "Star Wars" mit. Michael Gough verkörpert Arthur, dessen Schwester Lucy vom Grafen leer gesaugt wird. Seine urenglische Art brachte ihm die Rolle als Butler Alfred in den "Batman"-Filmen ein. Terence Fisher war einer der produktivsten Regisseure seiner Zeit und brachte im Zuge des Hammer-Horror-Revivals Schocker wie "The Mummy" (1959) und "The Phantom of the Opera" (1962) in die Kinos.

      Zum Serienprofil


      • Regie:
        Terence Fisher
      • Drehbuch:
        Jimmy Sangster
      • Drehbuch:
        Bram Stoker
      • Musik:
        Bill Lenny
      • Musik:
        James Bernard
      • Kamera:
        Jack Asher
      • Schnitt:
        Bill Lenny
      • Schnitt:
        James Needs
      • Peter Cushing
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
        Abraham Van Helsing
      • Christopher Lee
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • Michael Gough
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
        Arthur Holmwood
      • Melissa Stribling
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
        Mina Holmwood
      • Carol Marsh
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
        Lucy Holmwood
      • Olga Dickie
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • John Van Eyssen
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • Valerie Gaunt
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • Janina Faye
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • Barbara Archer
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • Charles Lloyd Pack
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
        Dr. Seward
      • George Merritt
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • George Woodbridge
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • Miles Malleson
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
        Marx - Totengräber
      • Geoffrey Bayldon
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • Paul Cole
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
        junger Mann
      • Stedwell Fulcher
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • Humphrey Kent
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
        dicker Händler
      • John Maxim
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
        Kunde im Gasthof
      • Guy Mills
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • Richard Morgan
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
        Beifahrer des Kutschers
      • John Mossman
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
        Fahrer des Leichenwagens
      • Judith Nelmes
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • William Sherwood
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson
      • George Benson
        Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh, Olga Dickie, John Van Eyssen, Valerie Gaunt, Janina Faye, Barbara Archer, Charles Lloyd Pack, George Merritt, George Woodbridge, Miles Malleson, Geoffrey Bayldon, Paul Cole, Stedwell Fulcher, Humphrey Kent, John Maxim, Guy Mills, Richard Morgan, John Mossman, Judith Nelmes, William Sherwood, George Benson

      Weitere Folgen

      09. March10:55Warner TV Film Dracula Spielfilm GB
      13. March03:00Warner TV Film Dracula Spielfilm GB


      Sonntag 10:03-12:03


        12:20 / Warner TV Film

        Der Wachsblumenstrauß

        90 Minuten
        zur Folgesendung