12:30 - 13:00
DW English


    Umweltmagazin • D 2025 • 30 Minuten

    Consumption of goods by people is drastically influencing environment. Eco India is a DW program entirely dedicated to Indian subcontinent and it looks at possibilities to strike a balance, and make consumption more sustainable, in such way to avoid point of no return. The program draws our attention to such essential aspects as being mindful about how much fuel, electricity, plastic, water we are using, so we can manage household budget and give a boost to climate change.

    Weitere Sendungen

    20. März04:30DW English Eco-at-India
    20. März11:30DW English Eco-at-India
    21. März15:30DW English Eco-at-India
    21. März23:30DW English Eco-at-India
    24. März03:02DW English Eco-at-India


      Folgesendung: 13:00 / DW English

      DW News

      30 Minuten
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