Matt Groening, Dwayne Carey-Hill
Billy West (Philip J. Fry / Professor Hubert Farnsworth / Dr. Zoidberg), Katey Sagal (Turanga Leela), Paul D. Calder (The Die of Power), John DiMaggio (Bender / Titanius Anglesmith / Igner / Sal), David X. Cohen (The Die of Power), Tress MacNeille (Mom / Momon / Turanga Munda / Nurse Ratchet / Linda van Schoonhoven / Slurm Queen / Ship's Computer / Natalie Maines / Intercom Robot / Rosie the Robot Maid / Swamp Hag / Centaurette), Danik Thomas (The Die of Power), Maurice LaMarche (Walt / Dr. Perceptron / Morbo), Phil LaMarr (Hermes Conrad), Lauren Tom (Amy Wong)