In Bluebell naht der "Pioneer Day". Um die Heldentaten der Pioniere zu feiern, findet in der Stadt alljährlich eine große Feier statt. Dieses Jahr möchten Lemon und AnnaBeth unbedingt für das leibliche Wohl der Besucher und Besucherinnen sorgen. Das hält Lavon allerdings für eine schlechte Idee, denn sehr geschickt ist Lemon ja nicht gerade. Zoe engagiert sich bei gleich mehreren Projekten rund um das Fest...
Zum Serienprofil
Rachel Bilson
Rachel Bilson, Jaime King, Cress Williams, Wilson Bethel, Tim Matheson, Scott Porter, Kaitlyn Black, Laura Bell Bundy, Reginald Veljohnson, Brandi Burkhardt
Dr. Zoe Hart
Rachel Bilson, Jaime King, Cress Williams, Wilson Bethel, Tim Matheson, Scott Porter, Kaitlyn Black, Laura Bell Bundy, Reginald Veljohnson, Brandi Burkhardt
Lemon Breeland
Cress Williams
Rachel Bilson, Jaime King, Cress Williams, Wilson Bethel, Tim Matheson, Scott Porter, Kaitlyn Black, Laura Bell Bundy, Reginald Veljohnson, Brandi Burkhardt
Lavon Hayes
Wilson Bethel
Rachel Bilson, Jaime King, Cress Williams, Wilson Bethel, Tim Matheson, Scott Porter, Kaitlyn Black, Laura Bell Bundy, Reginald Veljohnson, Brandi Burkhardt
Wade Kinsella
Tim Matheson
Rachel Bilson, Jaime King, Cress Williams, Wilson Bethel, Tim Matheson, Scott Porter, Kaitlyn Black, Laura Bell Bundy, Reginald Veljohnson, Brandi Burkhardt
Dr. Brick Breeland
Scott Porter
Rachel Bilson, Jaime King, Cress Williams, Wilson Bethel, Tim Matheson, Scott Porter, Kaitlyn Black, Laura Bell Bundy, Reginald Veljohnson, Brandi Burkhardt
George Tucker
Kaitlyn Black
Rachel Bilson, Jaime King, Cress Williams, Wilson Bethel, Tim Matheson, Scott Porter, Kaitlyn Black, Laura Bell Bundy, Reginald Veljohnson, Brandi Burkhardt
AnnaBeth Nass
Laura Bell Bundy
Rachel Bilson, Jaime King, Cress Williams, Wilson Bethel, Tim Matheson, Scott Porter, Kaitlyn Black, Laura Bell Bundy, Reginald Veljohnson, Brandi Burkhardt
Shelby Sinclair
Reginald Veljohnson
Rachel Bilson, Jaime King, Cress Williams, Wilson Bethel, Tim Matheson, Scott Porter, Kaitlyn Black, Laura Bell Bundy, Reginald Veljohnson, Brandi Burkhardt
Dash DeWitt
Brandi Burkhardt
Rachel Bilson, Jaime King, Cress Williams, Wilson Bethel, Tim Matheson, Scott Porter, Kaitlyn Black, Laura Bell Bundy, Reginald Veljohnson, Brandi Burkhardt
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Hart of Dixie
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Hart of Dixie
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Hart of Dixie
Freitag 05:03-05:03
05:50 / sixx
Million Dollar Homes - Luxusmakler in L.A.
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45 Minuten • Staffel 13 • Folge 5
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