Als der kleine Sohn einer Luftfahrt-Legende zu Hause aus seinem Kinderbettchen entführt wird, entfacht dies einen medialen Feuersturm. Nach einer landesweiten Fahndung wird der mutmaßliche Täter vor Gericht gestellt. Aber haben die Behörden den richtigen Mann erwischt? Wer ist wirklich für die Entführung des Lindbergh-Babys verantwortlich?
Zum Serienprofil
Laurence Fishburne
Laurence Fishburne, Sami Jarroush, Thomas Doherty, Julian Chambliss, Amber Hunt, Betty Gow, Olly Whatley, Elsie Whatley, Candace Fleming, Henry Johnson, John Condon
Narrator / Self - Host
Sami Jarroush
Laurence Fishburne, Sami Jarroush, Thomas Doherty, Julian Chambliss, Amber Hunt, Betty Gow, Olly Whatley, Elsie Whatley, Candace Fleming, Henry Johnson, John Condon
Self - Historian
Thomas Doherty
Laurence Fishburne, Sami Jarroush, Thomas Doherty, Julian Chambliss, Amber Hunt, Betty Gow, Olly Whatley, Elsie Whatley, Candace Fleming, Henry Johnson, John Condon
Self - Author, 'Little Lindy is Kidnapped'
Julian Chambliss
Laurence Fishburne, Sami Jarroush, Thomas Doherty, Julian Chambliss, Amber Hunt, Betty Gow, Olly Whatley, Elsie Whatley, Candace Fleming, Henry Johnson, John Condon
Self - Professor, Michigan State University
Laurence Fishburne, Sami Jarroush, Thomas Doherty, Julian Chambliss, Amber Hunt, Betty Gow, Olly Whatley, Elsie Whatley, Candace Fleming, Henry Johnson, John Condon
Self - Host, 'Crimes of the Centuries'
Laurence Fishburne, Sami Jarroush, Thomas Doherty, Julian Chambliss, Amber Hunt, Betty Gow, Olly Whatley, Elsie Whatley, Candace Fleming, Henry Johnson, John Condon
Olly Whatley
Laurence Fishburne, Sami Jarroush, Thomas Doherty, Julian Chambliss, Amber Hunt, Betty Gow, Olly Whatley, Elsie Whatley, Candace Fleming, Henry Johnson, John Condon
Elsie Whatley
Laurence Fishburne, Sami Jarroush, Thomas Doherty, Julian Chambliss, Amber Hunt, Betty Gow, Olly Whatley, Elsie Whatley, Candace Fleming, Henry Johnson, John Condon
Candace Fleming
Laurence Fishburne, Sami Jarroush, Thomas Doherty, Julian Chambliss, Amber Hunt, Betty Gow, Olly Whatley, Elsie Whatley, Candace Fleming, Henry Johnson, John Condon
Self - Author, 'The Rise and Fall of Charles Lindbergh'
Henry Johnson
Laurence Fishburne, Sami Jarroush, Thomas Doherty, Julian Chambliss, Amber Hunt, Betty Gow, Olly Whatley, Elsie Whatley, Candace Fleming, Henry Johnson, John Condon
Laurence Fishburne, Sami Jarroush, Thomas Doherty, Julian Chambliss, Amber Hunt, Betty Gow, Olly Whatley, Elsie Whatley, Candace Fleming, Henry Johnson, John Condon
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07. March | 12:40 | History Channel |
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07. March | 13:25 | History Channel |
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Dienstag 12:03-01:03
13:25 / History Channel
History's Greatest Mysteries
Die Tylenol-Morde
45 Minuten • Staffel 3 • Folge 12
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