10:00 - 10:30
Nautical Channel

Jump on Board

Abenteuerdoku • GB • 30 Minuten


      In this new episode of Jump on Board we will be working on our sailing basics before sailing to anchent Niros, in the Turkish coast. We will be putting our Turkish flag as we cross the frontier between Greece and Turkey. Have our two young winners understood the basics of sailing and are they getting ready to set sail on their own?

      Zum Serienprofil

      Weitere Folgen

      20. September21:00Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 5 ) Dokumentation GB
      20. September21:30Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 6 ) Dokumentation GB
      21. September05:00Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 5 ) Dokumentation GB
      21. September05:30Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 6 ) Dokumentation GB
      21. September13:00Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 5 ) Dokumentation GB


      Jump on Board
      Freitag 10:09-10:09


        10:30 / Nautical Channel

        Jump on Board

        30 Minuten • Folge 4
        zur Folgesendung