10:30 - 11:00
Nautical Channel

Jump on Board

Abenteuerdoku • GB • 30 Minuten


      We are sailing through Iraklia, one of the islands that make up the Cyclades in Greece. Our captain Deanna, skipper Giorgio, Dulce and Maria will take a nice swim in the harbour before exploring the island's caves. Are you coming with us?

      Zum Serienprofil

      Weitere Folgen

      21. September05:00Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 5 ) Dokumentation GB
      21. September05:30Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 6 ) Dokumentation GB
      21. September13:00Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 5 ) Dokumentation GB
      21. September13:30Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 6 ) Dokumentation GB
      21. September23:00Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 5 ) Dokumentation GB


      Jump on Board
      Montag 10:09-11:09


        11:00 / Nautical Channel

        South Africa Surf Series

        Vic Bay
        30 Minuten • Folge 4
        zur Folgesendung