15:20 - 16:10
Kabel 1 Doku

    Rätselhafte Geschichte

    Dokureihe • GB 2014 • 50 Minuten • FSK 12

    Staffel 2, Folge 2, Der Heilige Gral

    Bruce Burgess
    Alan Butler (Self - Author, Before the Pyramids), Jonathan Cann (Reenactment), Simon Cox (Self - Author, Decoding the Lost Symbol), Colin Devine (Reenactment), Lionel Fanthorpe (Self - Author, Mysteries & Secrets of Time), Andrew Gough (Self - Editor, The Heretic Magazine), Dallas Harley Jones (Reenactment), Robert Howells (Self - Author & Historian), Gerald Morgan (Self - Author, Nanteos: House of History), Graham Phillips (Self - Author & Historian)

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    Folgesendung: 16:10 / Kabel 1 Doku

    Rätselhafte Geschichte

    Die Illuminaten
    45 Minuten • Staffel 2 • Folge 3
    zur Folgesendung