» Morbide Schauermär mit starken Bildern «
Rocksänger Eric Draven hat eine vielversprechende Karriere vor sich, als er und seine Verlobte am Vorabend von Halloween ermordet werden. In dieser magischen Nacht verwandelt er sich in einen Unverwundbaren und seine Seele sucht sich den Körper einer Krähe aus, um ein Jahr später Vergeltung zu üben.
Zum Serienprofil
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Eric Draven
Ernie Hudson
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Sergeant Albrecht
Michael Wincott
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Top Dollar
Rochelle Davis
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Sofia Shinas
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Shelly Webster
David Patrick Kelly
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Anna Thomson
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Marco Rodriguez
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Bill Raymond
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Jeff Cadiente
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Norman 'Max' Maxwell
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Rock Taulbee
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Anführer der Polizisten
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Michael Massee
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Laurence Mason
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Tin Tin
Henry Kingi Jr.
Brandon Lee, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Rochelle Davis, Bai Ling, Sofia Shinas, David Patrick Kelly, Anna Thomson, Angel David, Jon Polito, Tony Todd, Marco Rodriguez, Anna Levine, Bill Raymond, Jeff Cadiente, Norman 'Max' Maxwell, Rock Taulbee, Kim Sykes, Michael Massee, Laurence Mason, Henry Kingi Jr.
Weitere Folgen
27. March | 01:20 | Kabel Eins Classics |
The Crow - Die Krähe
Spielfilm USA |
27. March | 03:00 | Kabel Eins Classics |
The Crow - Die Rache der Krähe
Spielfilm USA |
The Crow - Die Krähe
Donnerstag 01:03-03:03
03:00 / Kabel Eins Classics
The Crow - Die Rache der Krähe
80 Minuten
zur Folgesendung