Hat die US-Regierung die Wahrheit über Außerirdische verheimlicht? Sind die jüngsten UAP-Vorfälle, die dem US-Kongress vorgelegt wurden, ein Beweis dafür, dass unidentifizierte Luftphänomene eine Bedrohung für die nationale Sicherheit darstellen? Der Journalist Tony Harris und sein Expertenteam werten überzeugende Beweise aus und urteilen über deren Echtheit.
Zum Serienprofil
Erin McCarthy
Erin McCarthy, M.J. Banias, Tim McMillan, Marc D'Antonio, Andrew McCarthy, Mick West, Brad Olsen, Andy Marcial, Rich Hoffman, George J. Haas
Editor: Mentalfloss / Self - Journalist
Erin McCarthy, M.J. Banias, Tim McMillan, Marc D'Antonio, Andrew McCarthy, Mick West, Brad Olsen, Andy Marcial, Rich Hoffman, George J. Haas
Editor: TheDebrief / Self - Investigative Journalist
Tim McMillan
Erin McCarthy, M.J. Banias, Tim McMillan, Marc D'Antonio, Andrew McCarthy, Mick West, Brad Olsen, Andy Marcial, Rich Hoffman, George J. Haas
Military Analyst / Self - Aviation
Marc D'Antonio
Erin McCarthy, M.J. Banias, Tim McMillan, Marc D'Antonio, Andrew McCarthy, Mick West, Brad Olsen, Andy Marcial, Rich Hoffman, George J. Haas
Video Effects Designer / Self - Astronomer
Andrew McCarthy
Erin McCarthy, M.J. Banias, Tim McMillan, Marc D'Antonio, Andrew McCarthy, Mick West, Brad Olsen, Andy Marcial, Rich Hoffman, George J. Haas
Self - Astrophotography Expert
Erin McCarthy, M.J. Banias, Tim McMillan, Marc D'Antonio, Andrew McCarthy, Mick West, Brad Olsen, Andy Marcial, Rich Hoffman, George J. Haas
Forensic Video Analyst / Self - Science Writer
Erin McCarthy, M.J. Banias, Tim McMillan, Marc D'Antonio, Andrew McCarthy, Mick West, Brad Olsen, Andy Marcial, Rich Hoffman, George J. Haas
Self - Author and Editor
Andy Marcial
Erin McCarthy, M.J. Banias, Tim McMillan, Marc D'Antonio, Andrew McCarthy, Mick West, Brad Olsen, Andy Marcial, Rich Hoffman, George J. Haas
Self - UFO Investigator
Rich Hoffman
Erin McCarthy, M.J. Banias, Tim McMillan, Marc D'Antonio, Andrew McCarthy, Mick West, Brad Olsen, Andy Marcial, Rich Hoffman, George J. Haas
Self - Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies
George J. Haas
Erin McCarthy, M.J. Banias, Tim McMillan, Marc D'Antonio, Andrew McCarthy, Mick West, Brad Olsen, Andy Marcial, Rich Hoffman, George J. Haas
Self - Director: Cydonia Institute
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The Proof is Out There - Alien Edition
(Staffel: 1 | Folge: 1) Dokumentation USA |
27. March | 14:55 | History Channel |
The Proof is Out There - Alien Edition
(Staffel: 1 | Folge: 5) Dokumentation USA |
28. March | 14:10 | History Channel |
The Proof is Out There - Alien Edition
(Staffel: 1 | Folge: 3) Dokumentation USA |
28. March | 14:55 | History Channel |
The Proof is Out There - Alien Edition
(Staffel: 1 | Folge: 4) Dokumentation USA |
31. March | 14:10 | History Channel |
The Proof is Out There - Alien Edition
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The Proof is Out There - Alien Edition
Donnerstag 02:03-02:03
14:55 / History Channel
The Proof is Out There - Alien Edition
Kosmische Beweise
45 Minuten • Staffel 1 • Folge 5
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