05:20 - 06:00
Kabel 1 Doku

    The UnXplained mit William Shatner

    Dokureihe • USA 2022 • 40 Minuten • FSK 12

    Staffel 4, Folge 12, Die Suche nach König Artus

    Shane Adams (Self - Competitive Jouster), Dorsey Armstrong (Self - Professor of Medieval Studies, Purdue University), Jonathan Young (Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives), Juliette Wood (Self - Folklorist, Warburg Institute), Graham Phillips (Self - Author, The Lost Tomb of King Arthur), Tony McMahon (Self - Author, Quest for the True Cross), Win Scutt (Self - Archaeologist, English Heritage), Kathleen McGowan (Self - Author, The Source of Miracles), Murray Cook (Self - Archaeologist, Stirling Council), Graham Holton (Self - Genealogist, Arthur DNA Project)

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    20. März04:15History Channel The UnXplained mit William Shatner (Staffel: 7 | Folge: 5) Wahrheit oder Mythos


    The UnXplained mit William Shatner
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