Angeblich war Ägypten in der Vergangenheit das Zentrum extraterrestrischer Aktivitäten auf der Erde. Giorgio Tsoukalos begibt sich gemeinsam mit einem Ägyptologen auf eine mehrstündige Suche in verbotenen Grabkammern und erkundet weitere mysteriöse Orte, um die größten ungelösten Geheimnisse der Menschheit zu lüften.
Zum Serienprofil
Robert Clotworthy
Robert Clotworthy, Ramy Romany, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Giulio Magli, David Childress, Jonathan Young, William Henry, Christopher Dunn, John Cadman, Zahi Hawass
Robert Clotworthy, Ramy Romany, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Giulio Magli, David Childress, Jonathan Young, William Henry, Christopher Dunn, John Cadman, Zahi Hawass
Self - Egyptologist, Author, Conspired
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Robert Clotworthy, Ramy Romany, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Giulio Magli, David Childress, Jonathan Young, William Henry, Christopher Dunn, John Cadman, Zahi Hawass
Self - Publisher, Legendary Times Magazine
Giulio Magli
Robert Clotworthy, Ramy Romany, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Giulio Magli, David Childress, Jonathan Young, William Henry, Christopher Dunn, John Cadman, Zahi Hawass
Self - Archaeostronomer
David Childress
Robert Clotworthy, Ramy Romany, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Giulio Magli, David Childress, Jonathan Young, William Henry, Christopher Dunn, John Cadman, Zahi Hawass
Self - Author: Technology of the Gods
Jonathan Young
Robert Clotworthy, Ramy Romany, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Giulio Magli, David Childress, Jonathan Young, William Henry, Christopher Dunn, John Cadman, Zahi Hawass
Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives
William Henry
Robert Clotworthy, Ramy Romany, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Giulio Magli, David Childress, Jonathan Young, William Henry, Christopher Dunn, John Cadman, Zahi Hawass
Self - Author, Investigative Mythologist
Christopher Dunn
Robert Clotworthy, Ramy Romany, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Giulio Magli, David Childress, Jonathan Young, William Henry, Christopher Dunn, John Cadman, Zahi Hawass
Self - Engineer, Author, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt
Robert Clotworthy, Ramy Romany, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Giulio Magli, David Childress, Jonathan Young, William Henry, Christopher Dunn, John Cadman, Zahi Hawass
Self - Maritime Engineer
Robert Clotworthy, Ramy Romany, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Giulio Magli, David Childress, Jonathan Young, William Henry, Christopher Dunn, John Cadman, Zahi Hawass
Self - Egyptologist, Former Minister of Antiquities
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21:40 / History Channel
Sieben Kontinente - Ein Planet
50 Minuten • Staffel 1 • Folge 5
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